BuddiHEX Quick Start Guide
The BuddiHEX is a 6-band high performance
hexbeam. Specifically designed to be light in weight
this antenna is a great choice for both portable and
base staAon use. The antenna packs into a set of
compact components for quick setup.
Please use the following instrucAons to assemble the
Sit the lower hub on the ground with upper
hub verAcally above it.
Figure 1 Inser,ng spreader arm into lower hub
Unfold each of the six spreader arms and insert into
the lower hub arm sockets (Figure 1 above).
The assembly should now look like a central hub with
six spokes (Figure 2 below)
Figure 2 Lower hub with 6 spreader arms installed
The color-coded wire clips on each spreader
must be posiAoned on the spreader. Rotate
each of the six wire clips on each arm so the
clip opening is facing towards the ground
and slide each holder towards the outside
end of the spreader unAl it fits snuggly
against the clip stop (Figure 3 below)
Figure 3 Wire clip posi,oning
Tensioning cords are aNached to the end
caps of each spreader. Rotate the end cap
to orient as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Spreader end cap cords
Grasp the toggle end of one of the support
cords and aNach it to upper hub of the
central support as shown in Figure 5. ASer
inserAng the toggle through the hole twist
the toggle into a verAcal posiAon so that it
locks in place.
Figure 5 Inser,ng toggle into upper hub
Walk to the end of the spreader
diametrically opposite to the one you have
just added and connect the cord on that
spreader to the upper hub to balance the
load on the central support as shown in
Figure 6.
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