NTE8E Engineer’s Installation Guide
British Telecommunications plc 2004
The ISDN2e Network Terminating Equipment NTE8E is manufactured by
The NTE8 is the customer termination for the BT ISDN2e service and this
document is a guide to the installation procedure.
This unit is a direct replacement for the NTE8A, B, C and D.
It must not be used as a replacement for an NTE6.
This NTE has the addition of a copper by-pass feature that enables a
no-customer visit to change service to PSTN or Broadband and will take
the place of an NTE5.
This unit can also be used on low voltage ISDN lines.
Unit Description
Access to removable cover
BT Engineer only
Network cable entry
Status LED
SW2 L / S
ISDN Terminal Equipment
Figure 1
1. Wall mounting
The NTE8 can be mounted in most domestic and office environments, avoiding
direct sunlight, sources of heat, sources of electromagnetic radiation, and areas
which are subject to high humidity such as kitchens and laundry rooms etc.
The NTE must be mounted with the customer sockets facing down.
Use the template provided with this guide to mark the two fixing screw positions.
Please note that a minimum of 190mm clearance is required (marked by dashed
lines) to enable the customer to insert and remove the extension cabling or
terminal equipment plugs into the RJ45 sockets and to enable the installation
engineer to open and remove the cover.
CAUTION: Before drilling holes, make sure that there are no concealed
installations (e.g. power, water, gas).
Drill (
6 mm) and plug the wall for the two cross-
head screws provided. For a hollow wall, suitable
proprietary fixing should be used. If fitting to wood,
drill suitable pilot holes.
Position the screw that will mate with the keyhole
fixing, leaving approx 2mm protruding (see fig. 2a)
to allow a snug fit in the slot and the NTE lies flat
against the mounting surface without any case
Hang the NTE over the screw head and pull it
down until it locks in place safely (see fig. 2b).
Then insert the second screw in the lower hole.
Ensure that the case fixings are sound and that
there is no movement, but do not over-tighten the
securing screws.
ATTENTION! – Default Configuration
Check the IN/OUT and L/S switches are both in the
default position of “IN” and “S” unless providing
Customer Extension Wiring.
Document Number: 8820
11. October 2004
ATTENTION! Dangerous Voltage!
The ISDN connection is a voltage source that should be inaccessible to the
user. The NTE cover shall only be opened by BT ISDN trained engineers. Do
not touch the PCB unless you are wearing an anti-static strap. The strap is not
required for normal line installation. Do not install the NTE or work on the line
during thunderstorms.
2. Connecting the NTE8 to the Network
Remove the BT Engineer-only-removable cover to gain access to the network
wiring connectors. This cover is attached to the lower part of the NTE with a clip.
To loosen the locking mechanism use a No.1 screwdriver and push it slightly
into the rectangular slot above the switch marked “OUT” (see Unit Description).
Strip approximately 100mm of sheath from the network cable, feed the cable
into the NTE and route the cable through the chicane. (see fig. 3). Terminate the
cable on the IDC, wiring polarity is unimportant. Replace the network access
Network cable
IDC connector
Network cable
Tension relief
SW3 for
Bypass function
(see chapter 6),
default setting:
Plug & Play
Figure 3
Write the customer directory and fault reporting number on the customer service
3. Lightning Protection
Lightning protection shall be provided as for standard PSTN lines. Where the
service is provided via aerial cable either over more than three spans, or in
areas with a high risk of electric storms, the circuit may require additional
protection. Please refer to the Lightning Protection Handbook
4. Customer S-Bus Extension Wiring (Chargeable Option)
Cable to category 5 specification should be used to complete the installation.
Please refer to the table below for RJ45 wiring and Figure 5 for sample wiring
configurations / switch settings. All extension wiring MUST have a Type 2 socket
(which incorporates terminating resistors), as the last socket.
Further wiring details can be found in BS EN 50098-1.
Pin Wire
P Source 3
P Sink 3
P Source 3
P Sink 3
3 White/green Transmit Receive
4 Blue/white Receive
5 White/blue Receive
6 Green/white Transmit Receive
P Sink 2
P Source 2
P Sink 2
P Source 2
5. Testing and fault locating
A green LED in the centre indicates the status of the NTE.
LED Indicator
No Service or device in bypass mode
ON (dim)
Exchange line Voltage > 30V
but line side deactivated, no layer 1
Flashing quickly
(8 Hz)
Network connection activating
Flashing slowly
(1 Hz)
Normal Service (layer 1) with No Customer Terminal Equipment
(CPE) connected or detected. Network connection active but
customer side S-Bus deactivated (or activating).
ON (bright)
Normal Service (layer 1) with CPE connected and detected.
Hinweis für die Herstellung: Papier unterhalb dieser Linie abschneiden!
Note: Cut off paper below this line!
Figure 2a
Figure 2b