Key features
P C p r i n t e r
Connected to your PC, the BT MultiJet 3000 acts as a
colour and mono printer giving you crisp, clear inkjet
C o p i e r
Make up to 99 copies of a document or photograph in
colour or black and white. You can adjust the settings
and operate your machine from its control panel or from
your PC.
S c a n n e r
Scan documents and images direct to your PC.
The preview feature lets you select and scan a specific
part of an image. You can convert a scanned document
to text ready for editing.
Fa x
Using your PC modem and the software provided you can
send and receive faxed documents.
E m a i l
Using your PC modem and email account, you can attach
scanned images to outgoing messages.
R a n g e o f p a p e r s
Use your BT MultiJet 3000 to print on envelopes,
transparencies, card and the full range of inkjet paper
P h o t o c a r t r i d g e o p t i o n
If you print photographs, you can use a special photo
cartridge to give you the best results on glossy
photographic paper.
Re m ov a b l e c ove r fo r
c o py i n g o r s c a n n i n g
If you want to scan or copy bulky items such as books,
you can remove the scanner cover enabling you to lay
the item flat on the scanner glass.