Fault diagnosis
2017-03-23 / DIS 184_58300000197442_ARA_EN_A
Copyright by BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
Page 35 of 101
Possible cause
Clock loses several minutes a day
Software error only for Neff AV1 with Multi
Media Board (MMB) software version 8018
and Siemens AV1 with MMB software ver-
sion 8017 and 8026.
► Advise customer:
No replacement of components or appliance necessary!
A new software version will be available from March 2017!
► Multi Media Board (MMB) and Inter Action Board (IaB) flash.
Time jumps back when switching on
the appliance
When the appliance is switched off, the
Inter Action Board (IaB) no longer syn-
chronizes the display in Multi Media Board
(MMB). = Clock crystal faulty
► Replace the operating module.