Also included are a couple of checks for gross user errors. While these errors do not technically violate test validity
conditions, they can nonetheless be useful by calling attention to mistakes that may happen while the test is being
conducted. These help alert you, for example, to targets which are measured out of order.
— The distance between targets must appear to be reasonable. Lengths AB and AC are expected to be
1150mm ±5mm. Length AC is expected to be 2300mm ±5mm.
Two Face Errors
— The distance between front and back-facing points should be less than 5mm.
Save / Open Evaluation Data File
Export Error Graph Image
Tests performed in KinAiry are saved in a non-proprietary CSV file format, and reopened later as desired. Saved tests
can be used to track instrument performance over time, or confirm results before and after the instrument is serviced.
To save a test, use the main menu’s
Save As
functions or the
Save As
toolbar button. To view prior
test data, or to view data placed in a template file, use
from the main menu, or the
toolbar button.
Once an error graph has been generated by KinAiry, it may be saved in JPG format. The
Export Error Graph Image
function is available in the
Pre-test Setup Geometry Check
A new function (added in version 1.09) allows you to gain confidence that you have positioned the tracker and length
artifact properly prior to taking any test points. This function is available by clicking
Tools, Pre-test Setup Geometry
. This may be done before any other step, i.e., before “buck-in” or calibration. Simply shoot and enter coordinate
point values for the “A” and “C” targets to get clear feedback regarding the bar’s position, including hints on where to
move it for proper test results.
Before doing this positioning check (or the full KinAiry test, for that matter) be sure that the center of the coordinate
system is defined at the tracker’s center (where the rotational axes meet). This is sometimes called “frame on
instrument” or “center of gimbals”.
Also remember that during the test, you will be required to rotate the artifact to a vertical position, and shoot all
targets in back-face mode. Some trackers have a difficult time shooting targets which are close to the floor, particularly
in back face mode. This sometimes necessitates moving the tracker further from the bar, pushing the 1.5m limit for
distance between the tracker and target “B”.
By checking the tracker’s ability to take a back-face measurement close to the floor, and running the pre-test setup
geometry check, you can help ensure that the test will run smoothly.