BRP Magic World Quick Start Quide Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for Magic World

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Page 4: ...e names of public personalities may be referred to but any resemblance of a scenario character to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental Except in this publication and associated advertising all illustrations for Magic World remain the property of the artists who otherwise reserve all rights This book is an introduction to the roleplaying game Magic World available separately Find more Ch...

Page 5: ...CONTENTS How to Play 5 The Fishsinger s Daughter 13 Handouts 24 Characters 27 ...

Page 6: ...The more unequal the forces are the greater the difference Both scores chances always add up to 100 Skills have percentile ratings the higher the better and you want to roll low to suc ceed A roll of 99 and or 00 is a fumble A roll over your skill is a failure A roll equal to or under your skill rating is a success A roll of 1 5 your skill is a special success A roll of 1 20 your skill is a critic...

Page 7: ...e players participate The Chroni cler describes the world in which the Adventur ers roam and how that world is affected by the players actions While a player acts out only one role or perhaps two if playing two Adventurers the Chronicler presents the entire fantasy world in which the game is set with its people places monsters and gods Play is mostly conversation the Chronicler outlines some situa...

Page 8: ...lculate how well an Ad venturer resists drowning and suffocation poi sons diseases and magic which makes him harder to kill If Constitution points are ever reduced to zero the Adventurer dies The Stamina roll is equal to CONx5 CON influences Hit Points and Perception skills Dexterity DEX Higher Dexterity makes for a quicker and more nimble Adventurer who has potential for more activity in a round ...

Page 9: ...r an Adventurer has the greater is his or her force of will confi dence and capacity for magic Power does not correspond to leadership that is earned by ro leplaying To cast magic an Adventurer must have POW 16 or higher The amount of Power equals the Adventurer s maximum Magic Points POWx5 is a convenient multiplier called the Luck roll Power can rise indefinitely An Adventurer without POW lacks ...

Page 10: ... the more he develops a personality The Game System Playing the Game In a roleplaying game there is no winner or loser You all win if everyone has fun telling a good moving tale You lose if no one has fun To keep things moving along during the course of the game and to add that spice of risk and improbability you occasionally will be called on to roll dice to determine the outcome of critical even...

Page 11: ...nse skill of 45 She rolls the two dice getting a 60 on the percentile die and 3 on the ten sided die Adding them together she gets a total of 63 well over her skill of 45 She never sees the elf coming Generally the Chronicler for your game tells you when you can attempt a skill roll Additionally when you successfully roll a given skill put a check mark in the box next to it on your sheet You can o...

Page 12: ...m on a particular INT rank Mark off Magic Points as they are sacrificed An Adventurer can begin one spell in a round All the spells in this book require exactly one full combat round of concentration to cast and take effect Example Dúnhere casts Sorcerer s Razor on his INT rank in the magic phase of round one The spell takes effect on his INT rank in round two If he wishes he can cast new magic on...

Page 13: stiff enough to protect against attack Most often armorers make it of leather bronze and steel in some combination Like a shield armor is a barrier interposed between an attack and the defender s body but armor leaves both hands free strapped on armor remains in place so you do not have to think about it No armor is perfect Plate armor sheet steel curved to fit the body is the most protec...

Page 14: ...per etc The spell will also detect beings of extremely high Allegiance to a particular force at the Chronicler s discretion Contribute to Truth 1 MP Range Sight Resisted POW vs POW With a successful casting the target feels he must tell the truth in response to a question or else must look away and remain silent The target has no sense that he can mislead or tell an outright lie unless the spell a...

Page 15: ...The Rivermen are strong law abiding people but they do not Chronicler s Synopsis What is going on For centuries the Count of the Mists has been scheming for the return of the Fey Recently he has sent a number of ogres and other dark crea tures out to harass the mortals This is the story of one of them an ogre named Aeled Along the White river there are small fishing villages inhabited by the desce...

Page 16: then they will investigate the House on Oak Hill and see the ogre and orcs They must destroy the ogre and route or kill his followers Next they will learn that the Fishsinger is not dead and can be restored by returning the River Crystal A few short encounters later and this deed will be done Timeline for Play This adventure is expected to take between two and three hours 30 minutes meet player...

Page 17: and succeeded Unfortunately the Fishsinger would not leave her tower and even tually the prince had to return to his duties but not before leaving her with child who is now a young woman Maegth Just two weeks ago the Fishsinger suddenly died The locals laid her to rest and almost immediately a man claiming to be her father arrived This unusual and sinister man had a writ from Lord Beleghir givi...

Page 18: ...enerally neutral but their presence will prevent things from getting too far out of hand Of course a strict reading of the law says that Aeled is free to treat Maegth however he wants provided he is her father Most PCs will be interested in seeing that the truth is found and that justice is done but if none of the PCs take an interest in helping Maegth for her own sake she will accuse Aeled the lo...

Page 19: realize that their new friend is in fact an ogre they will run off The fishermen are okay with associat ing with orcs many of them have orc blood themselves but shadow fey are trouble and they will want nothing to do with him If asked the Rivermen will guarantee Maegth s safety while the PC s go up the hill but they are not interested in going themselves Singers Landing and the Inn The tiny in...

Page 20: ...t Points 14 Damage Bonus 1D4 Skills Dodge 71 Evaluate 40 Hide 46 Nature 40 Sailing 92 Track 46 Trap 31 Weapons Heavy Mace 82 1D8 2 1D4 2H Brawl 57 1D3 1D4 Burly Guy 2 Knautts STR 14 CON 11 SIZ 14 DEX 12 INT 8 POW 10 APP 9 Hit Points 14 Damage Bonus 1D4 Skills Dodge 71 Evaluate 39 Hide 46 Nature 39 Sailing 92 Track 46 Trap 31 Weapons Club 92 Damage 1D4 Brawl 57 1D3 1D4 Small Shield 55 The Mob STR 1...

Page 21: ...he orcs will be amusing themselves at the ex pense of the two captive hunters and or drink ing and eating In most cases the fishermen will not have warned Aeled that the PCs are coming The fishermen are a pretty cowardly group and will prefer to head to their homes and go up in the morning to see what happened This can help the PCs keep an element of surprise Options There are lots of things the P...

Page 22: ...vive into the mortal age and likewise a small fire elemental lives on oak hill It was this elemental that told Aeled how to kill the Fishsinger The ogre and orcs will be at tables in the main room unless alerted to trouble The two hunters are held near the base of the tower out of site A Dinner tables and the orcs B The two bound hunters Konrad and Jost Fardul who are minor nobles related to Barro...

Page 23: ...lly live the ogre good life all with the help of a small band of orcs Orcs 1 and 2 Brutes STR 16 CON 12 SIZ 11 DEX 15 INT 9 POW 10 APP 7 Hit Points 12 Damage Bonus 1D4 Weapons Scimitar 75 1D6 2 1 D4 Composite Bow 50 1D8 1 1 D4 2 Medium Shield 50 12 HP Ring Mail 1D6 Skills Dodge 50 Hide 30 Nature 30 Ride 50 Trap 30 Treasure Each brutish orc has 1D6 5 BP Orcs 3 4 and 5 Small and Sneaky STR 13 CON 14...

Page 24: ...inger to this world As long as the stone is wet with the water of the Fishsinger s river the naiad will exist in the world Once the PCs overcome the ogre they will likely choose to explore the tower The top room of the tower contains a fireplace that is the home of the elemental Maegth if present will tell the PCs that she was held prisoner in the top of the tower and that the room contained a mag...

Page 25: ...mories of recent events Once recent events are explained to her she will recognize that it is no longer safe for Mae gth to live with her and that the girl must go and live with her father amongst the mortals She will ask the PCs a favor and request that they escort Maegth to Shillingshead and in troduce her to her true father s relatives There she assures them Maegth will be welcome and they will...

Page 26: ...ile or so centered on her tower Her tower is a small fey structure left from the time before the coming of mortals and her daughter is the only mortal ever to reside there The Fishsinger s Bowl The Fishsinger has a water bowl that she and only she uses with her Scry spell When she casts Scry on this bowl she can see anything happening on the White River or any of it tributaries Further she can ask...

Page 27: ...Handouts 26 Magic World Quick Start Handouts Setting Map for the Fishsinger s Daughter ...

Page 28: ... the Fishsinger would come out of her small tower carrying her fish basket walk down to the edge of the river and sing One eel charmed by her song would swim into her basket Then basket in hand she would row her coracle across the river to the fishermen s village where she would sell the eel for her daily bread Old timers say she has always been a young and attractive woman Further some years ago ...

Page 29: ...Handouts 28 Magic World Quick Start House on Oak Hill Map ...

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Page 33: ...Move 8 Hit Points 10 Damage Bonus None Magic Points 10 Weapons Hunting Bow 77 1D6 1 Quiver 20 arrows Eoghain the Sorceror STR 8 CON 12 SIZ 10 INT 18 POW 18 DEX 16 APP 14 Move 8 Hit Points 11 Damage Bonus None Magic Points 18 Weapons Cutlass 39 1D6 2 Armor Soft Leather 1D4 1 Skills Physical Brawl 24 Climb 44 Dodge 72 Jump 9 Ride 39 Swim 29 Throw 29 Wrestle 29 Communication Bargain 42 Disguise 22 Fa...

Page 34: ... Hit Points 10 Damage Bonus None Magic Points 12 Weapons Scimitar 61 1D8 1 Skills Physical Brawl 26 Climb 46 Dodge 60 Jump 11 Ride 41 Swim 31 Throw 31 Wrestle 31 Communication Art Letter of Nobility 10 Bargain 20 Disguise 20 Fast Talk 20 Oratory 10 Knowledge Evaluate 43 Nature 93 Navigate 18 Own Language 88 Other Language Orc 38 Physik 98 Potions 28 World Lore 63 Manipulation Conceal Object 34 Sli...

Page 35: ...7 World Lore 22 Manipulation Conceal Object 34 Hide 89 Move Quietly 49 Pick Lock 14 Repair Devise 73 Sailing 245 Trap 14 Perception Insight 21 Listen 21 Sense 21 Search 26 Track 26 Culture Chiefdom Allegiance Balance Ruairi the Mercenary STR 15 CON 14 SIZ 10 INT 13 POW 11 DEX 12 APP 12 Move 8 Hit Points 12 Damage Bonus 1D4 Magic Points 11 Weapons Great Axe 123 326 1D4 Recurved Bow 58 1D8 2 1D2 Qui...

Page 36: ...mb 46 Dodge 56 Jump 25 Ride 35 Swim 25 Throw 25 Wrestle 45 Communication Art 05 Bargain 55 Disguise 15 Fast Talk 55 Oratory 05 Knowledge Evaluate 55 Nature 25 Navigate 10 Own Language 80 Physik 30 Potions 30 World Lore 15 Manipulation Conceal Object 65 Craft 5 Hide 40 Move Quietly 40 Pick Lock 25 Repair Devise 66 Sailing 15 Trap 25 Perception Insight 15 Listen 35 Search 40 Sense 35 Track 30 Ennea ...

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