MagnaTran 7.1 User’s Manual
Maintenance and Repair
Control/Display Module Resetting
Brooks Automation
Revision 2.2
Control/Display Module Resetting
Control Display Modules may occasionally experience problems with their internal
memory. These problems are typically due to the CDM’s factory configured parame-
ters in memory becoming corrupt. CDM’s which have had factory configured param-
eters corrupted may not operate at all, may display random characters, or may be
missing characters on the screen.
Any CDM that displays these symptoms may be easily reset. Resetting the CDM’s
internal memory is a two step process. First all existing, and possibly corrupted,
parameters must be cleared and then the Brooks factory settings must be reloaded.
Cleaning the Memory:
With the CDM connected, turn on power to the robot.
Disconnect the telephone style connector at the CDM base.
Hold down the Self Test, Pitch, and Home keys at the same time while plug-
ging in the connector at the bottom of the unit (an assistant may be needed to
perform this step). The following warning appears on the display:
Press the HOME key to clear the memory. After a self test, the CDM will dis-
play a small blinking square in the upper left corner.
Resetting Brooks Automation Factory Parameters:
Simultaneously press SELF TEST and PITCH. The screen will display a small
symbol consisting of a C and a T close together, blinking.
Press the decimal point key. The screen will then display labels above three
keys on the keyboard with an arrow pointing to its corresponding key. These
labels indicate that the function of these keys is altered during this procedure.
The labels and keys are;
“NEXT” over the “HOME” key
The “NEXT” function changes the value of the setting currently displayed on
the screen.
“ESC” over the “STOP” key
The “ESC” function is not used in this procedure.