MagnaTran 7.1 User’s Manual
PASIV™ Safety Feature Operation
Brooks Automation
Revision 2.2
Zmin: The minimum Z axis limit for the workspace.
Rmax: The maximum radial axis limit for the workspace.
Tmax: The maximum theta axis limit for the workspace.
Zmax: The maximum Z axis limit for the workspace.
HOME Workspace
The “home workspace” is a pre-defined volume of space enclosing the robot around
the home position. Within this workspace, the robot is limited to an extend length
equal to its retract value for the radial axis, a vertical lift height equal to the maximum
Z axis height, and no rotational limit for the theta axis. The home workspace is auto-
matically created by the firmware and may be different in volume from robot to robot
since robots vary in arm sizes. The home workspace can not be changed or deleted.
If the home workspace is the only workspace in existence, the robot will only be per-
mitted to home and move about its home volume.
Other Workspaces
Moving from workspace to workspace can be achieved only if the workspace are adja-
cent or overlapping. Although a workspace may be adjacent or overlapping, move-
ment between one and the other may still be prohibited if the the point of crossing is
not common for both workspaces. Movement between disjointed workspaces is
always prohibited.
The only exception to this is when stations are being taught from the CDM interface.
Since workspaces may not yet be defined for station because the coordinated for the
station are unknown, movement of the robot from the learn station menus on the
CDM will permit movement into the yet to be defined workspaces.
Creating Workspaces
Creating workspaces can be achieved one of two ways: manual create or auto-create.
Manual Create
Creating workspaces manually is always available to the user. The manual
creation of a workspace requires the use of several commands. The first com-
mand is CREATE WSPACE which requires a unique workspace name as part
of the command. Once a workspace has been created, the default values asso-
ciated with all the remaining ten parameters is as follows: