1.4 Example of Encoder communication
1.4.1 Read encoder value
Tx:01 03 00 00 00 02 (C4 0B)
Rx:01 03 04 00 01 76 3B (CC 40)
The CRC check digit is in the brackets, the return data of the encoder value is 00 01 76 3B
(decimal: 95803)
1.4.2 Read encoder circle value + single circle value
Tx:01 03 00 02 00 02 (65 CB)
Rx:01 03 04 00 08 02 7A (FB 72)
The CRC check digit is in the brackets, the return data of the encoder circle value is 00 08
(decimal: 8 circle)
The return data of the encoder single-turn value is 02 7A (decimal: 634)
1.4.3 Read encoder coil value
Tx:01 03 00 02 00 01 (25 CA)
Rx:01 03 04 00 08 (59 83)
The CRC check digit is in the brackets, the return data of the encoder circle value is 00 08
(decimal: 8 circle)
1.4.4 Read encoder single-turn value
Tx:01 03 00 03 00 01 (74 0A)
Rx:01 03 04 02 7A (D8 C6)
The CRC check digit is in the brackets, the return data of the encoder single-turn value is
02 7A (decimal: 634)
1.4.5 Set the encoder address
Tx:01 06 00 04 00 02 (49 CA)
Rx:01 06 00 04 00 02 (49 CA)
The CRC check digit is in the brackets, and the set address is 02 (HEX:0x0002)
1.4.6 Set the encoder baud rate
Tx:01 06 00 05 00 02 (18 0A)
Rx:01 06 00 05 00 02 (18 0A)
The CRC check digit is in the brackets, and the set baud rate is 38400 (0x02)
1.4.7 Set encoder zero
Tx:01 06 00 08 00 01 (C9 C8)
Rx:01 06 00 08 00 01 (C9 C8)
The CRC check digit in the brackets, set the current point of the current encoder as the
1.4.8 Set the increment direction of the encoder value
Tx:01 06 00 09 00 01 (98 08)
Rx:01 06 00 09 00 01 (98 08)
The CRC check digit in the brackets, set the current encoder to increase counterclockwise
(default clockwise)