Volledige bedieningshandleiding 2
© Bredenoord 2017
A service menu is available. This menu can be obtained to enter Test menu and press the button ServiceDit
menu kan worden verkregen door naar het test menu te gaan en op de service knop te drukken.
The service menu is secured with a pin code.
Service button in the Test Menu is m arked red.
After entering the correct pin code a arrow button w ill
appear at the low er right corner of the display.
Service m enu
In the service menu the following options are
1. ESaver start/stop
2. Reset service time (in
Till service
a desired
value can be entered)
3. Charging battery till 95%
4. Charging battery till 100%
5. Change language
Project data (com plem entary data is also show n on the
next page )