Operating instructions
7.5 Interpretation of laboratory results
For acidic dialysis concentrate the ISO 23500-4 allow the following deviations from the target value
of each component. These must not be confused with the density deviations described above.
of the target value
mmol/l of the target value
All other components
of the target value
If all measured values are within these permissible tolerances, the concentrate can be used. The
laboratory result is to be filed together with the production protocol.
If Chloride is measured, too, the measurement has an internal control: The sum of the concen-
trations (in mmol/l) of Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium needs to be the same as the
concentration of Chloride.
) + Conc(K
) + 2 * Conc(Ca
) + 2 * Conc(Mg
) = Conc(Cl
A distinctive deviation in this calculation is indicative of a faulty measurement.
A critical deviation in a lab result that is higher than the allowed range must always be
discussed with the service, who will also discuss this with the manufacturer. In any case,
this must be done prior to discarding the concentrate, as it might not be possible to resolve
the issue afterwards (see section 7.4.2).
7.6 Values on the ECOCart label
The composition of the concentrate can be found in the upper area of the label, whereby the target
values are always given. When specifying the concentration in g/l, the water molecules given in the
left column were taken into account. Therefore, in the label printed here, the value for glucose * 1
O, for example, is 38.4 g/l and not 35 g/l.
The composition of the finished dialysis fluid can be found in the lower area. Therefore, the sodium
value also includes the sodium bicarbonate added in the dialysis machine. However, the
displays the diluted value of the concentrate for the bar code, which is lower. The easiest way to
determine this value for your concentrate is to divide the mmol/l value for sodium chloride (NaCl)
reported on the label by the dilution factor (35 or 45) (e.g. 3,605 / 35 = 103).
State: April 2021
4.9.1., I Manual ECOMix Original (EN), 7, F: M. Lorek, 06.04.2021