Operating instructions
When changing the filter, please proceed as follows:
• Empty the blue filter cartridges by opening the drain valves on the bottom of the housings.
For models that do not have a filter drain, please place a suitably sized vessel underneath.
• Release the filter cartridge with the supplied filter key.
• Close the taps again.
• Turn off the cartridge and discard the white filter. There is no need to touch it.
• Wipe the threads of the cartridge and its counterpart on the
ix with a dry, clean cloth
to prevent salt crystallization from leaking to the filter cartridge.
• Insert the new filter. To do this, open the plastic bag in which it is delivered and let the filter
slide into the cartridge. If you use a filter that is not open on both sides, then the open side
must be on top.
• Tighten the cartridge with your hand. Be careful not to confuse coarse and fine filters.
• Confirm the operation with “F1”.
4.7 Settings
This menu gives the user access to the tank configuration and batch history.
4.7.1 Tank configuration
From the main menu, you can access the tank configuration via “F4”
“F1”. Here, you configure
which type of concentrate is stored in which storage tank. Enter the exact composition that the
ix will read after scanning of a bar code of the same type. This data is permanently stored
in the
ix and used for the automatic selection of an
anks during transfer.
With the key “F6” the editing mode is activated and the active variable is highlighted. After
modification, it can be saved with “Enter” and stored in the system. The arrow keys can be used to
switch between the variables. The “F1” key changes to the input mode for the next storage tank.
“F2” ends the program.
Figure 4.34:
Tank configuration
To switch between concentrates with acetate and citrate, please enter the concentration of the
State: April 2021
4.9.1., I Manual ECOMix Original (EN), 7, F: M. Lorek, 06.04.2021