Safety instructions
Instructions for Use ERGOact
Do not repair or service defective devices:
Check the device for damage after reprocessing and before use.
CAUTION: A visual inspection alone is not sufficient for ensuring the integrity of the
Replace and dispose of defective devices immediately.
Observe the instructions for use of the HF device and the general instructions for
electrosurgical operations!
The "BF" / "CF" application part of the HF device used is extended by the instrument
connected to it.
Electrical safety is improved through the use of plastic trocars.
3.2.1 Patients with pacemakers
Malfunction or destruction of the pacemaker can endanger the life of the patient or result
in irreversible injuries to the patient.
Consult the cardiologist before performing
HF surgery on patients who wear pacemakers.
Set the demand pacemaker to a fixed frequency.
Ensure that the pacemaker does not come into contact with the jaws.
Have an operable defibrillator to hand.
Carry out a postoperative pacemaker check.