Improper use or maintenance by the operator or
owner can result in injury. To reduce the potential
for injury, comply with these safety instructions
and always pay attention to the safety-alert
, which means
, or
—personal safety instruction. Failure to
comply with the instruction may result in personal
injury or death.
Read the
Owner’s Manual
before operating or
servicing the plow.
Always follow the vehicle manufacturer’s
recommendations relating to snowplow
installation. For recommended vehicle models,
refer to the BOSS product selector tool at
Ensure that only trained personnel install and
perform maintenance on the equipment and
hydraulic components.
Never disable, remove, or relocate any sensors or
other components related to the operation of the
air bags in your vehicle.
Keep your hands, feet, and clothing away from
moving parts and mounting points.
Ensure the plow is properly attached to the vehicle
before moving it.
To comply with federal regulations and to
assure a safe vehicle, do not exceed the
front gross-axle-weight rating (FGAWR), rear
gross-axle-weight rating (RGAWR), and the
gross-vehicle-weight rating (GVWR) at any time.
Always wear appropriate personal protective
equipment when operating and servicing the
machine. Wear substantial, slip-resistant footwear,
and cold-weather clothing.
Use a 500 kg (1/2 ton) minimum lifting device to
move heavy plow components.
Material safety data sheets (MSDS) are available
at www.BOSSPlow.com.
Vehicles equipped with air bags are designed
so that the air bags activate in a frontal collision
equivalent to hitting a solid barrier (such as a wall)
at approximately 22 km/h (14 mph) or more, or a
frontal perpendicular collision with a parked car
or truck of similar size at approximately 45 km/h
(28 mph) or more. Careless or high-speed driving
while plowing snow can deploy the air bag.
When transporting the vehicle, position the plow so
as not to block your vision or the plow headlights.
Do not change the blade position when traveling.
Do not exceed 64 km/h (40 mph) when transporting
the plow.
Do not exceed 22 km/h (14 mph) when plowing.
Do not exceed 8 km/h (5 mph) when D-Force is
activated (if equipped).
Always lower the blade when the vehicle is not in
Never put any part of your body between the plow
and the vehicle.
Do not operate the machine while ill, tired, or
under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Use your full attention while operating the
machine. Do not engage in any activity that
causes distractions; otherwise, injury or property
damage may occur.
Always wear your seat belt while operating a motor
Due to the variety of equipment that you
can install on the vehicle, do not exceed the
front gross-axle-weight rating (FGAWR), rear
gross-axle-weight rating (RGAWR), and the
gross-vehicle-weight rating (GVWR) at any time.
This may require weighing the vehicle and adding
ballast as necessary. It may also limit the payload
capacity of the vehicle.
This machine has an operating sound level below
70 dBA.
When transporting the machine, ensure that it is
properly secured. Instructions are available at