Security Escort
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Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd
Training Manual
2017.08 | V2.18.1.0 | DOC
MUX bus point troubles group
AC loss
The microprocessor of the alert unit detected the absence of AC
power. Loss of AC power affects only the strobe and siren
functions of the alert unit. Batteries provide backup power for the
strobes and sirens. The logic and communications functions derive
their power from the multiplex bus.
Low Battery
The alert unit tested for a low battery condition and the test failed.
Whenever the cover is removed from a receiver or alert unit, the
on-board microprocessor detects the tamper and it is reported to
the transponder. Tamper reports are not delayed by the pop-up
trouble and pager delay.
No response
Whenever a receiver fails to respond to a command from the
transponder, a “No Response” message is sent by the transponder
to the Central Console. This can occur if a multiplex bus wire is cut
or a device is damaged.
Each receiver monitors the level of radio energy being received at
all times. If the level exceeds a preset threshold, for a preset
length of time, the on-board microprocessor reports jamming.
Output device error
The transponder generates this message when it commands a
receiver or alert unit to activate or deactivate an output device
(siren, strobe, horn, or LED) and the device fails to respond
Bad checksum
This message is generated by the transponder and sent to the
Central Console whenever the transponder detects message errors
in the communications between receivers and alert units.
Transmitter supervision monitoring group
Known transmitters
To continually monitor the status of all transmitters programmed in
the database that send periodic supervision transmissions. If any
monitored transmitters stop sending supervision transmissions, a
pop-up trouble is displayed.
Unknown transmitters
To monitor for periodic supervision transmissions from
transmitters not programmed in the database, a pop-up trouble
displays if transmissions from transmitters not programmed in the
database are received.
Monitored periods
This is the number of supervision intervals that are consecutively
missed before a pop-up screen reports a specific transmitter
stopped reporting supervision transmissions.
Communications port monitor
Comm port overload
A pop-up trouble screen displays if the communications traffic to
the transponders exceeds the system is capability.
Network comm failure
A pop-up trouble screen displays if the communications between
the master and slave computers fails.