and radio equipment in its possible positions of normal use. It might possibly
be necessary to perform a special electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test.
1.4.4 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During
Operation and Mounting
Magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated by current-carrying conductors
or permanent magnets of electric motors represent a serious danger to persons
with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing aids.
Health hazard for persons with heart pacemakers, metal implants and hearing
aids in proximity to electric components!
Persons with heart pacemakers and metal implants are not allowed to enter
the following areas:
– Areas in which components of the electric drive and control systems are
mounted, commissioned and operated.
– Areas in which parts of motors with permanent magnets are stored, re-
paired or mounted.
If it is necessary for somebody with a heart pacemaker to enter such an area,
a doctor must be consulted prior to doing so. The noise immunity of implan-
ted heart pacemakers differs so greatly that no general rules can be given.
Those with metal implants or metal pieces, as well as with hearing aids, must
consult a doctor before they enter the areas described above.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
VFC 3210