If the input terminals are occupied by other functions, E1.60 cannot
be set to 1.
12.10.4 Power loss ride-through mode
Setting range
Power loss ride-through mode
0: Inactive
1: Output disabled
2: Regain kinetic energy
3: Regain kinetic energy, de-
celerate to stop
When AC power is lost or not stable for a short time, the frequency converter
will enter the power fault ride-through mode as long as the DC-bus voltage is
still maintained stable (1P: DC-bus voltage above 180 V; 3P: DC-bus voltage
above 370 V). The power fault ride-through operation will be decided by the se-
lected option as below:
When option 1 is selected, the frequency converter output will be switched off.
When the power supply resumes, the frequency converter will execute speed
capture and resume its previous operation.
When option 2 is selected, the converter will decrease the output frequency to
regain the kinetic energy from the rotating motor, to stabilized the DC bus volt-
age. When DC bus voltage is recovered, then converter output frequency will
rise again and converter will enter the normal running mode.
When option 3 is selected, the converter regains kinetic energy from the motor
in generator mode with a defined ramp (defined by deceleration time (C0.44)
that is the time from max frequency to 0 Hz). The converter continues to decel-
erate down to stop even when the bus voltage is restored.
When option 3 is selected, special care must be taken by configura-
tion of the deceleration time. If the time is too short overvoltage will
occur. If the time is too long undervoltage will occur. For the prob-
lem of overvoltage a braking resistor may help.
VFC 3210
Bosch Rexroth AG
Functions and Parameters