The data backup is automatically stored on the CF card. By pressing
<F8> (Export), the directory is copied to the USB flash drive. By press‐
ing <F9> (No), the directory is not copied and is only stored on the CF
Disconnect the USB flash drive
The data is saved on the USB flash drive/CF card in the "/Backup" (as deliv‐
ered) directory or under "/UserBackup" (daily or monthly backup). The data
backup contains all user data: CNC and drive parameters, CNC programs
(except for /cf and /mnt directories), PLC program, zero points and CNC vari‐
ables, as well as tool data.
Any data backup already filed on the USB flash drive/CF card will
be overwritten without any prompt.
Version 10VRS and 12VRS
Proceed as follows to make the data backup:
Insert a USB flash drive into the port on the VDP80 control panel. After it
has been registered by the system, an appropriate message is dis‐
Switch to the <Maintain> operating area
Press the <F8> (Backup) key
Wait until the "Backup done" message is displayed, which may take up
to 15 minutes.
Disconnect the USB flash drive
The data is stored to the "/Backup" directory on the USB flash drive. The data
backup contains all user data: CNC and drive parameters, CNC programs
(except for /cf and /mnt directories), PLC program, zero points and CNC vari‐
ables, as well as tool data.
Any data backup already filed on the USB flash drive will be over‐
written without any prompt.
Restoring data from the USB flash drive/CF card
From version 13
Proceed as follows to restore data from a USB flash drive:
Insert an USB flash drive containing the data backup into the port on the
VDP80 control panel. After it has been detected by the system, an ap‐
propriate message is displayed.
Switch to the <Maintain> operating area
Press the <F9> (Restore) key
Select <F7> (Operator) UserBackup or <F8> (OEM) Backup when log‐
ged in as MTB or Developer, otherwise, the query is not displayed.
By pressing <F7> (USB) or <F8> (Local), select if the directory is to be
copied from the USB flash drive to the CF card or if it is directly restored
from the CF card.
Wait until the "Restore done" message is displayed, which may take up
to 15 minutes.
Disconnect the USB flash drive
Switch the control off and on again. In exceptional cases, it may be re‐
quired to switch the control off a second time until all parameters are ac‐
tive and the control starts without error message.
Bosch Rexroth AG
IndraMotion MTX micro Easy Setup for Standard Turning and Milling Machines
Data backup and serial commissioning