3. The MDI block is processed after pressing "Start".
If the block has been successfully processed by the NC, the control
returns to the status "inactive". The next block can now be edited.
If the NC detects an error in the block, the error symbol is set in the
header and the text "Reset channel" appears in the status line. The
error can only be recovered by resetting the channel.
Processing Several MDI Blocks
Processing Single Blocks
Precondition is the following option being set to "ON": "Preselect next MDI block
automatically as soon the current block is processed".
Up to 100 MDI blocks remain in the MDI-Editor. The cursor can be placed
on one of these blocks.
Press <F4 Apply MDI block> to apply the block on which the cursor is
placed to the NC. Behavior as above.
The MDI block is processed after pressing "Start". Behavior as above.
If the processed block is not the latest one in the MDI-Editor, the next block
is immediately transferred to the NC. The "Start" button can be immedi‐
ately pressed again.
Pressing <F2 Reset channel> terminates this cycle before the last block
in the MDI-Editor has been processed. The cursor remains on the latest
block highlighted.
"Channel reset" changes the modal NC states.
Processing one Block of the NC Blocks
Several NC blocks can be highlighted in the MDI-Editor using the mouse or
<Shift> + <Arrow>. Only interrelated sections of blocks can be highlighted.
Pressing <F4 Apply MDI block> applies all focused blocks to the NC. The
first of these selected blocks is highlighted. The entire block of the selected
NC blocks receives a different font color. Editing is no longer possible. The
text "Waiting for Start button" appears in the status line.
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Bosch Rexroth AG
Operation Modes