"Tangential approach" dialog
Direct returning to setting point
If direct approaching is selected, the movement is made from point C to point
B directly without return program.
Continuing processing
Depending on the strategy, "NC start" is used to approach the point of return
and to continue processing (5). The display switches to the Automatic screen
with the respective M-keys.
Returning to contour in more than one channel at the same
time is not possible.
Returning to contour is impossible during tapping (G63).
After an interruption, the spindle should be manually stopped
and restarted.
Returning to contour during a CPL waiting state is possible
only after the waiting state has been terminated.
MDI - Manual Data Input
The MDI-Editor (MDI = Manual Data Input) is used to transfer one or more NC
blocks to the NC and to process them by pressing "Start".
MDI operation requires the prerequisites (interlocks) to be fulfilled
in the PLC program. Operation mode "MDI" and NC status "inac‐
tive" are required.
MDI operation mode and status
CPL elements, jumps and calls of subroutines with parameters are
not permitted in Manual Data Input (MDI) blocks because "linking"
is not supported before the MDI block is executed. However, it is
possible to call a subroutine locally.
In the standard model, a separate complete NC screen in which the focus is
already on the window "MDI block input", and thus the MDI-Editor, is opened
when the "MDI" mode is activated.
The transfer of an NC block from the MDI-Editor to the NC (<F4 Apply MDI
block>) and <F2 Reset channel> are protected by the user management.
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Bosch Rexroth AG
Operation Modes