Design of the Screen Layout
Screen layout of block search/block pre-run
The "Block search" or the "Block pre-run" screen visualizes the selected NC
program with related subroutines. If "Block search" or "Block pre-run" was star‐
ted once before for this program, the previous target block is marked.
The header shows the designation of the application "Block search" or "Block
pre-runt" and the name of the NC program including the path specification.
Main Area
The main area of the "Block search" or "Block pre-run" screen displays the
selected NC program/subroutine.
Status line
The status line is divided into several areas:
Information Area
Sequential number of the selected line
Open applications
Current language
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Operation Modes