Extended Functionality
Purpose of the NC-Analyzer
The NC-Analyzer can be used to test NC programs and swiftly find program‐
ming errors.
The NC-Analyzer is part of the MTX interface.
Properties of the NC-Analyzer
The NC-Analyzer
is applicable to programs in CPL format (Customer Programming Lan‐
guage) and DIN 66025 format
includes subroutine programming
includes editor functions for executable programs
supports all CPL variable formats
supports multidimensional CPL variables (arrays)
supports local, global as well as permanent variables
can set breakpoints on NC blocks (maximum of 20 active at the same time)
can set breakpoints on variables
can change variables values at program runtime
can automatically watch up to 40 active variables at the same time
Error Search in the Program
The NC-Analyzer answers for example the following questions:
Where did the error occur for the first time in the program?
What are the effects of the error on the program?
What are the effects on other variables or program parts?
How severe is the error for the program?
The NC-Analyzer allows to systematically select all relevant variables and track
their contents step by step at program runtime.
Setting breakpoints allows the program to stop at user-defined points at runtime
to request the values of individual variables and check monitored variables for
their contents.
At a breakpoint, other values can be assigned to each variable. This facilitates
testing of a different processing scenario in the program. In case of an incorrect
variable assignment by the program, this variable can be experimentally as‐
signed with the "correct" value.
The nested structure of main programs and subroutines can be seen and moni‐
tored in the "Stack" window.
User-specific messages (MSG, GMSG,..) in the "Output" can be used to test
the program run.
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Bosch Rexroth AG
Extended Functionality