In conjunction with a motion task in synchronism with CCD, the
error occurs when the drive detects that the motion task in syn‐
chronism with CCD cannot be operated with the configured CCD
cycle time (P-0-1810.0.0.3, CCD: Timing settings). The parameter
"P-0-1810.0.10, CCD: Diagnostic message text" contains the de‐
tailed error message in case the transition command error C0266
Freewheeling task
Another motion task variant is the freewheeling task:
A freewheeling task runs constantly.
There can only be one freewheeling task and it has to be created with
the lowest priority.
A freewheeling task restarts immediately after the end of the task.
Bosch Rexroth provides sample configurations for the different
characteristics so the user can create suitable task concepts.
Task monitoring (watchdog)
Monitoring each task can generally be set individually. This makes it possible,
e.g., to set the watchdog of a task to a multiple of the periodic time. This is
useful especially for motion tasks, because they have to react quickly, but
sometimes also have to perform tasks requiring many calculating operations.
Using network variables
If network variables are used, the task is loaded with additional runtime de‐
pending on the entire communication via the Ethernet interface. Depending
on the number of network channels and other communication, the runtime
can increase by a few milliseconds.
⇒ Rapidly running tasks with a sensitive watchdog are not suitable for trans‐
mitting network variables. We recommend using network variables in slow or
separate tasks with a tolerant watchdog.
Watchdog function
Rexroth IndraDrive supports the following watchdog function:
Sensitivity (number of overtimes until watchdog triggers)
A PLC exception is generated.
All outputs are set to "0" and the PLC goes to STOP.
Error "F6010" is generated on the drive controller; this causes the
best possible deceleration for the axes.
After the watchdog triggers, the PLC has to be reset with RESET
(cf. P-0-1350).
Configuring the watchdog
Time monitoring (watchdog) can be configured for each task.
The watchdog is active when the option has been activated. The task then is
terminated with an error status ("exception") as soon as the configured
watchdog time is exceeded, whereby the specified sensitivity is taken into ac‐
count for the calculation. If the option Update IO while in stop has been acti‐
vated in the "PLC settings", the outputs are reset to the defined standard val‐
ues. The following instances are possible:
Several successive timeouts; the following applies:
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Basic functions of Rexroth IndraMotion MLD
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01