Fig. 4-14:
(Task) configuration
Rexroth IndraMotion MLD supports system events.
Task system and priorities
The internal timing or the sequence of the processing of the individual tasks
is managed via what is called the task system:
Preemptive multitasking is supported. This allows high priority tasks to
interrupt low priority tasks at any time.
A maximum of four tasks can be "active" at the same time.
There are four levels of priority [priority 0...3 (0=high priority)].
The tasks used have to have different priority so that defined pro‐
cessing is obvious.
High priority PLC tasks interrupt low priority PLC tasks during pro‐
cessing (exceptions: tasks cannot be interrupted for a few µs for
transmitting the process image or commanding a motion).
If a low priority task is started, it may start running with a delay.
The IEC tasks are not permanently assigned to any axis or task. This
means there is no dedicated motion task. The existing configuration op‐
tions can be used for the various tasks.
An error message is output when a task interval value is set too high in
the task configuration.
You should generally create as few tasks as possible in order to keep
the program sequences clearly structured.
It is possible to create up to four different tasks or not to create
any task at all (creating tasks: see "IndraLogic 2G, PLC
Programming System [R911336876]" documentation). In this
case, a task invisible in the task configuration is automatically cre‐
ated with a periodic time of 10 ms.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Basic functions of Rexroth IndraMotion MLD
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01