See also Functional Description of firmware "Enabling of Functional
Software requirements
The "IndraWorks MLD" engineering tool is required for parameterizing, com‐
missioning and programming a drive with integrated PLC.
Possible applications of IndraMotion MLD
"IndraMotion MLD" can be used to implement simple programs for extending
drive functionality or making it more flexible ("intelligent servo axis"), or even
as a motion system for commanding one or several axes (stand-alone
"Motion Logic Control"). Several libraries and technology functions are availa‐
ble for this purpose.
Fig. 1-4:
Overview of possible applications
IndraMotion MLD as intelligent servo axis
Extending drive functionality or making it more flexible is most easily ach‐
ieved with a function block or a simple program.
The "intelligent servo axis" characteristic comes with the following features:
The drive is managed or controlled by a higher-level control unit (NC/
The higher-level control unit generates the cyclic command values and
determines the operation mode.
The "IndraWorks MLD" engineering tool allows a function to be loaded
from the macro libraries to the drive. The customer can then parameter‐
ize the loaded function like a "normal firmware function". For the user,
macro functions work like implemented firmware functions.
The drive can temporarily get control to take over motion control.
An intelligent error reaction can be implemented by a function block or a sim‐
ple program:
When an error occurs, the PLC switches to internal control and carries out a
reaction with drive motion. The PLC then cedes control back to the master
communication (external PLC).
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01