Converting projects
This section describes how to convert IndraLogic 1.x projects (MLD-1G) to
IndraLogic 2G projects (MLD-2G). In particular, the changes in the fields of
"Motion" and "PLC" will be described in detail.
After converting, check all parts of the project for any conversion
The system has to be completely restarted after conversion.
Requirements in MLD-1G
The following requirements in MLD-1G have to be checked/preset in order to
convert an existing project from MLD-1G to MLD-2G:
Monitoring Runtimes of the Project
IndraMotion MLD-2G requires more calculating time than the implementation
of IndraMotion MLD-1G. With small projects, the performance of IndraMotion
MLD-2G is lesser than the performance of IndraMotion MLD-1G. With large
projects, the lesser performance is compensated by the more compact pro‐
gram code.
After MLD-1G has been replaced by
MLD-2G, the unused calculating time might
possibly not suffice to process the MLD pro‐
Before replacing MLD-1G by MLD-2G, check the runtimes of the project. With
IndraMotion MLD-1G, the load should be smaller than 70%.
After MLD-1G has been replaced by MLD-2G, check again if the unused cal‐
culating time suffices to process the MLD program. With IndraMotion
MLD-2G, the load should be smaller than 90%.
The easiest way to check the calculating time is by means of P-0-1364. The
parameter is available in both versions and shows the unused calculating
The "MX_IECTaskGetLoad" function block provides a more precise analysis
of the available time. In the "MX_IECTASKLOAD" structure, it contains run‐
time information of the task:
"rLoad": Load of the task in the last cycle in percent in relation to the cy‐
cle time
"rLoadMax": Maximum load of the task in percent in relation to the cycle
"rFreeTime": Unused calculating time of the task in µs since the last cy‐
cle until the next start of the task
"RMinFreeTime": Minimum unused remaining calculating time of the
task in µs until its next start
MLD-1G: The "MX_IECTaskGetLoad" function block can be found
in the "MX_Base" library under Tools.
MLD-2G: The "MX_IECTaskGetLoad" function block can be found
in the "MX_PLCopen" library under POUs ▶ Tools.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Converting projects
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01