When flow control is used, it must be taken into account that it
generates additional PLC code which strongly influences the pro‐
cessing velocity.
Sampling trace
Sampling trace allows exactly tracing the time flow of PLC variables. (Direct
variables are not recorded; if necessary, they should be copied to a memory
which can then be recorded.)
Observe the following aspects for use:
If the selected sampling rate in the trace configuration is smaller than
the PLC task interval, the scaling of the X-axis does not match the dis‐
played data.
What makes sense is a sampling rate of "0" (default=1 sampling opera‐
tion per PLC cycle) or integral multiples of the task cycle time.
With sampling rate "0", there is 1 sampling operation per PLC cy‐
cle Useful minimum sampling rate = PLC interval [ms].
Watch and recipe manager
The watch and recipe manager allows displaying the values of specific varia‐
bles. It is also possible to preset variables to specific values and transmit
them altogether to the control unit (see also documentation "PLC Program
Development with Rexroth IndraLogic 1.0").
During start-up, the integrated visualization is well suited for graphically rep‐
resenting PLC variables or change them via the IndraLogic user interface
(e.g., when the inputs have only been wired in part). To illustrate project vari‐
ables, IndraLogic makes available the option of visualization; this allows gen‐
erating convenient user and display dialog boxes for PLC projects (also see
"PLC program development with Rexroth IndraLogic 1.0").
Monitoring functions
In Rexroth IndraMotion MLD, both the runtime and the available resources
are monitored in order to detect when they are inadvertently exceeded.
In the case of unauthorized access, a PLC exception is generated. These er‐
rors cause drive error F6010 with shutdown of the axis (see "
When you are working in the simulation mode, there is no connection estab‐
lished to the drive controller. When logging in, the PLC is (partly) simulated
on the PC. In this case, there are no real time and no firmware function
blocks. The PLC logic, for example, can be tested by means of the simula‐
For debugging and testing the created PLC programs, a debugger on source
code basis has been integrated in IndraLogic. This allows setting breakpoints
or carrying out the tests in individual steps. Variables can be displayed or
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Diagnostic and service functions
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01