Error handling
Error handling for Bosch Rexroth function blocks has been standardized; it
consists of three diagnostic levels:
Level 1: When it is TRUE, the "Error" output signals that an error is
present. "Error" is BOOL type.
Level 2: An enumerator ("ErrorID") gives basic information on the error
(basic classification).
Level 3: For detailed information, there is a structure ("ErrorIdent") in
which the origin of the error and the exact error code can be read.
See also "
IndraMotion MLD error handling
Versioning libraries
Version function
IndraMotion MLD provides the option of creating internal and external libra‐
ries. Internal libraries are programmed completely in an IEC 61131 program‐
ming language, while external libraries are implemented in the firmware.
The fact that the program code of a POE for an external library is linked dur‐
ing download via the POE identifier, can be used for linking the POE and
thereby the library to a specific IW package.
The version assignment, the IW package linking and the keeping of a history
are made available for Bosch Rexroth libraries by a standardized version
function in a consistent folder structure.
Storage location and name
In the folder "_Version" in the root of the library function blocks, functions are
stored with one of the following names:
Version_LibrarynameVyy ("yy" is a placeholder for the release number)
when the version number is contained in the library name or
Version_Libraryname_xxVyy when the version number is not contained
in the library name ("xx" is a placeholder for the version number, "yy" for
the release number)
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Programming information
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01