Defining basic data types from BOOL to DINT (32-bit integer) or REAL
(32-bit float), as well as arrays and structures
Defining function blocks that can be instantiated
Defining standard function blocks (counter, timer, edge detection, etc.),
as well as standard functions (mathematical functions, string process‐
ing, comparisons, etc.)
The trend of combined logic and motion control has been reinforced by the
official release of the specification by the "PLCopen Motion Task Force". This
specification defines functions and function blocks for single-axis positioning,
as well as electronic gear functions. It also defines a basic procedure for im‐
plementing motion-triggering function blocks.
Programming languages
"IndraMotion MLD" can be programmed using the following programming lan‐
Instruction List (IL)
Structured Text (ST)
Ladder Diagram (LD)
Function Block Diagram (FBD)
Sequential Function Chart (SFC)
Continuous Function Chart (CFC)
The "IndraLogic 2G" programming environment that has been integrated in
IndraWorks can be used for programming (see "IndraLogic 2G Programming
Supported libraries
The libraries supported by "IndraMotion MLD-2G" are described in the docu‐
mentation "DOK-INDRV*-MLD-SYSLIB3-RExx-EN-P".
Property damage by including unsupported li‐
Only the libraries listed in the above-mentioned documentation can be inclu‐
Supported interfaces and access mechanisms
See "Communication interfaces and data channels of MLD"
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01