Documentation: "Rexroth Inline Block IO for sercos III With Digital Inputs
and Outputs", DOK-CONTRL-S3DI16DIO16-KB, R911170500
Inline Block IO with 4 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs
(R-ILB S3 24 AI4 AO2)
Documentation: "Rexroth Inline Block IO for sercos III With Analog
Inputs and Outputs", DOK-CONTRL-S3AI4AO2***-KB, R911170558
Inline Block IO with 16 digital high-speed inputs and 16 digital high-
(R-ILB S3 24 DI16 DIO16/F)
Documentation: In preparation
Inline Block IO with 6 analog high-speed inputs and 4 analog high-
speed outputs, oversampling (R-ILB S3 AI6 AO4/F)
Documentation: In preparation
"R-ILB S3 24 DI16 DIO16" / "R-
ILB S3 24 DI16 DIO16/F"
The Inline Block IO "R-ILB S3 24 DI16 DIO16" has been designed for use
within sercos III. It is used to register digital input signals and put out digital
signals. "R-ILB S3 24 DI16 DIO16" features 16 digital inputs and 16 freely
configurable digital inputs or outputs.
"R-ILB S3 24 DI16 DIO16/F" also features 16 digital inputs and 16 freely con‐
figurable digital inputs or outputs. With its quick signal processing, it is suita‐
ble for use in time-critical applications.
"R-ILB S3 24 AI4 AO2" / "R-
ILB S3 24 AI6 AO4/F"
The Inline Block IO "R-ILB S3 24 AI4 AO2" has been designed for use within
sercos III. It can be used to register current or voltage signals as well as tem‐
perature sensors. It also provides the option of outputting analog current and
voltage signals. "R-ILB S3 24 AI4 AO2" features 4 analog inputs and 2 ana‐
log outputs.
"R-ILB S3 24 AI6 AO4/F" features 6 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs. With
its quick signal processing, it is suitable for use in time-critical applications.
"R-ILB S3 24 AI6 AO4/F" is scheduled for release in the 4th quarter of 2014.
For general information on the "Rexroth Inline" product range, re‐
fer to the documentation "Automation Terminals Of The Rexroth
Inline Product Range", document typecode "DOK-CONTRL-ILSY‐
"Rexroth Inline Modular IO" in conjunction with "IndraMotion MLD"
A maximum of 4 bus couplers for sercos III with a maximum of 16 modules
(nodes) each can be evaluated at a CCD master.
All modules that can be operated as simple digital or analog I/Os are suppor‐
The following devices ("Rexroth Inline" product range) are available:
Bus coupler for sercos III with digital inputs and outputs (R-
Modules with analog inputs (R-IB IL AI xx) or analog outputs (R-
IB IL AO xx)
Modules with digital inputs (R-IB IL 24 DI xx) or digital outputs (R-
IB IL 24 DO xx)
For general information on the "Rexroth Inline" product range, re‐
fer to the documentation "Automation Terminals Of The Rexroth
Inline Product Range", document typecode "DOK-CONTRL-ILSY‐
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01