Using technology functions
The following functions with which technology functions can be used are
available in IndraWorks MLD; it is not necessary to start IndraLogic:
Loading self-contained technology functions (technology functions are
made available in PLC projects).
Parameterizing technology functions, if necessary with dialogs and
documents provided specifically for this purpose.
Simple diagnostics for the technology function (e.g., reading diagnostic
message numbers or PLC parameters or PLC registers).
Free PLC programming ("ML"
The following functions provided by IndraWorks are relevant for free pro‐
gramming of the PLC:
Configuring the IndraDrive controller with drive-integrated PLC (MLD) as
"stand-alone Motion Controller" for control tasks or "intelligent servo ax‐
is" to extend the drive functionality.
Distributing the inputs and outputs between drive functions and PLC.
Configuring the inputs and outputs assigned to the PLC.
Configuration as multi-axis control and corresponding settings.
Making general settings for the PLC project.
Creating and managing PLC projects in an IndraWorks MLD project.
Importing your own user libraries to the project.
Managing and archiving IndraWorks MLD projects (an IndraWorks MLD
project contains a PLC project).
Applications for Rexroth IndraMotion MLD
This section describes the steps required for commissioning and using
Rexroth IndraMotion MLD. There are two different instances:
You want to use ready-made technology functions for Rexroth
IndraMotion MLD.
You want to create your own programs for Rexroth IndraMotion MLD
("free programming").
If you "only" want to use ready-made technology functions for
Rexroth IndraMotion MLD, commissioning is easy because you
do not need any programming knowledge for using the functions
programmed on the basis of MLD.
Using technology functions
A complete (compiled) PLC project that can consist of several function blocks
(conforming to IEC) is called a technology function.
A project is created by combining IEC or firmware function blocks and mostly
provides a complex and comprehensive functionality.
For some technology functions there are specific dialogs in the
commissioning software IndraWorks. The dialogs support the
commissioning and operation of the technology functions. In addi‐
tion, there is an application description for each technology func‐
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraDrive Rexroth IndraMotion MLD (2G) as of MPx-18
Notes on commissioning and application
LSA Control S.L. www.lsa-control.com [email protected] (+34) 960 62 43 01