Wear Parts
The wear parts as well as their service life are described in this section. Wear
parts are not subject to any warranty.
The service life of the backlight is limited. After this time has been exceeded,
the backlight will produce only 50 % of its original brightness. This time is 50,000
hours if the surrounding air temperature is 25 °C.
The backlight can be exchanged only be the Bosch Rexroth Service, see
ter 13 "Service and Support" on page 77
Compatibility Test
All Rexroth controls and drives are developed and tested according to the latest
state-of-the-art of technology.
As it is impossible to follow the continuing development of all materials (e. g.
lubricants in machine tools) which may interact with our controls and drives, it
cannot be completely ruled out that any reactions with the materials used by
Bosch Rexroth might occur.
For this reason, before using the respective material a compatibility test has to
be carried out for new lubricants, cleaning agents etc. and our housings / our
housing materials.
Rexroth IndraControl VDP 08.3/40.3 Operator Terminal
Bosch Rexroth AG
Technical Data