Name at housing
Connection type
Connector type
Mating connector or line
(From outside)
Voltage supply 24 V DC
Output voltage DC 24 V
Male connector, 5-pin
Female connector terminal,
COM interface, Refer to
Male connector, 3-pin
Female connector terminal,
Functional earth (FE)
Ring cable lug
Tab. 9-1: UPS – interfaces and connections
9.1 24 V voltage supply and output voltage XD1
The 24 V voltage supply and the 24 V output voltage for the PC are connected to
the "XD1" connection. Upon delivery, there is a ready-made cable to connect the
USB and the PC. Connect the supply voltage to the UPS.
Fig. 9-2: Connecting the voltage supply and the output voltage
Pin name
24 V Out
24 V connection, output to PC
0 V Out
0 V connection, output to PC
24 V In
24 V voltage supply, input of power supply unit
0 V In
0 V voltage supply, input of power supply unit
Tab. 9-2: Pin assignment XD1
9.2 Serial interface XF50
The serial UPS connection to the PC is connected to the plug "XD50". Upon de-
livery, there is a ready-made cable to connect the UPS and the PC.
IndraControl VAU 02.1 Uninterruptible
Power Supply
Bosch Rexroth AG R911384727_Edition 03