1.2 Purpose
This document instructs the technical staff of the machine manufacturer on how
to perform the mechanical and electrical installation safely and on how to
commission the device.
Required qualification: Individual who is able to assess the tasks assigned and
to identify possible safety risks owing to qualification in the subject, knowledge
and experience. The individual should also be familiar with the standards and
1.3 Scope
This operating instruction applies to all industrial PCs and panel PCs whose
type code starts either with "PR4…" or "VR4...": The type code is located on the
type plate of the device, also refer to
chapter 2.1 "Product identification" on
1.4 Further documents
Part number and document type
Rexroth IndraControl
VAP 01
Power Supply Unit
Operating Instructions
Rexroth IndraControl
PR and VR Devices
Software Applications
Project Planning Manual
PR and VR Devices
Project Planning Manual
VAC 08.1
CDI+ splitter
Operating Instructions
Tab. 1-2: Required and supplementing documentation
1.5 Customer feedback
Customer requests, comments or suggestions for improvement are of great
importance to us. Please email your feedback on the documentations to
. Directly insert comments in the
electronic PDF document and send the PDF file to Bosch Rexroth.
About this documentation
IndraControl PR4 and VR4 Control cabi-
net PC and panel PC
Bosch Rexroth AG R911384699_Edition 03