Installation 43/68
RE 92105-01-B/06.2017, A4CSG, Series 3x,
Bosch Rexroth AG
On axial piston units with a Hirschmann connector according to DIN EN 175 301-803-A/
ISO 4400, the following tightening torques apply when securing line connectors:
Mounting bolt, M3 (
): 0.5 Nm
Union nut, M16 x 1.5 (
): 1.5-2.5 Nm
Fig. 13: HIRSCHMAnn connector
7.5 Performing flushing cycle
In order to remove foreign particles from the system, Bosch Rexroth recommends
a flushing cycle for the entire system before the initial commissioning . To avoid
internal contamination, the axial piston unit must not be included in the flushing
The flushing cycle must be performed with an additional flushing unit. Follow the
instructions of the flushing unit's manufacturer for the exact procedure during the
flushing cycle.
Tightening torque for
Hirschmann connectors