BQ610-B Online Controller Operation manual
PC tool name: SmartPC(DO).exe.
Note: If need any help, please contact Customer Service.
Calibration Solution Preparation
Labware and materials required
Analytical balance,
Lab spoon,
50mL beaker, 100mL measuring cylinder, glass rod,
1L volumetric flask, 1L brown flask
NDSA (1, 5-Naphthalene disulfonic acid disodium salt dihydrate), CAS: 76758-30-0
Stock Solution Preparation
Wise 0.1g NDSA, dissolve it in deionized water, transfer it to volumetric flask, constant volume to
1L, and get 100ppm NDSA stock solution.
Different concentrations of standard solution preparation
Dilute 100ppm NDSA stock solution according to the required concentration. For example, take
50mL 100ppm NDSA stock solution and volume it with deionized water to 1L, then get 5ppm
NDSA standard solution.
Please operate carefully in the process of configuring standard liquid, and wear
The test should be carried out in a brown light-proof bottle;
In the calibration process, please use deionized water to clean the sensor and dry
it to avoid contaminating the standard solution.