Operating Manual of Ammonia Nitrogen Sensor
stabilize and temperature to become normal.
3. If the ammonia nitrogen concentration is very low, the potassium ion concentration is higher, and the
difference between the two is necessary to compensate potassium ions.
4. If the probe is exposed to air for more than 30 minutes, then the electrode must be repolarized.
5. It is recommended that the standard solution for calibration should be prepared over 2L.
5.2 Basic Process of Calibration
1. Rinse the used probe with clean tap water.
2. Rinse the calibration container thoroughly with water first and then rinse with a small amount of
standard solution for calibration.
3. Pour off the rinsed standard solution and refill the calibration container with the unused standard
solution to ensure the sensor is submerged.
Important Tip:
When changing the calibration solution, rinse the calibration container with distilled
water. Please avoid cross-contamination between different standard solutions.
4. Place the clean and dry probe in the calibration container. It is recommended to use one calibration
container for calibration only and the other hollow calibration container for on-site measurement. By this
way, it will greatly guarantee the accuracy of the calibration and cleanliness during the process.
5. Connect the instrument to the computer correctly (the connection method is the same as the instrument
connection of 3.2), start the software program, change the mode setting to calibration, and then click OK.
6. Then find the sensor to be calibrated from the calibration menu and calibrate according to different
calibration methods. The specific sensor calibration method will be introduced later in this chapter. The
calibrated menu bar (temperature, pH, and electrode can be calibrated) is shown below.
The calibration of each sensor follows the basic steps above. Please keep the sensor clean and dry
before calibrating.