Get the app.
Download the
Blackboard by Boogie Board™
app from the App Store or Google
Play on a compatible smartphone.
Connect your pen.
Open the app. Register your product. On the main screen, tap the Carbon Copy logo
( ) in the bottom left corner. On the pop up screen, press Connect Pen. Follow the
on-screen steps to finish set up.
Let’s get started.
Using the Carbon Copy Pen, just simply write on your Blackboard paperless writing
tablet. As you write, all of it is being captured by the pen even if it is not connected to
the app.
Next Page.
Ready for a new page? Using your pen, tap the Carbon Copy icon ( ) in the
bottom right corner of the Blackboard to let both your pen and the app know that
you are finished with this page. If your pen is connected to the app, the pen will
automatically stream it to your phone. If it is not connected, it will store it on the pen
and transfer to the app once you are connected.
Once you have tapped the Carbon Copy logo on your Blackboard, press the center
button at the top of your Blackboard to clear the writing surface. Instantly you have a
fresh page without wasting a single piece of paper.
With the Blackboard App, you can easily organize, name, flag, edit, and share all of
your best ideas.
Quick-Start Guide
Welcome to Carbon Copy