AHD-WNL Monitoring & Control with iPad
For technical reasons, the number of events that
can be exported is limited.
If all events cannot be exported at once, limit the
number of events by making suitable entries in
“Export Timespan” and export the events as sever-
al files.
Exporting the events can take several minutes.
8.4.4 Users and Connections
On the administration page of AHD-WNL, launched by clicking
“User Management,” the system’s users can be managed, and the
existing client connections (“sessions”) to AHD-WNL can be cap-
tured. Active connections to clients are not logged.
The “User Management” page contains the tables “User Manage-
ment” (1) and “Active Sessions” (4).
The table “User Management” (1) contains AHD-WNL’s user man-
agement data.
To update
the table, click the “Refresh” button (2).
The table (3) has the following columns:
Delete: deletes the user from AHD-WNL. The administrator
cannot be deleted.
UserID: automatically assigned numeric user ID
Type: user type. The following user types can be selected
from a drop-down list: NotSet (not set), person, and loca-
tion (of a permanently installed client, e.g. salon or bridge).
User Management