The rear equipment bay door is held closed
by two plungers at the rear edge. Handle op-
eration is the same as for the baggage com-
partment door, with the exception that the
rear equipment bay door must be supported
during opening and closing.
The airplane wing is an all-metal, advance
technology airfoil structure manufactured
as a single unit and bolted to the underside
of the fuselage. The wing comprises left and
right sweptback airfoils connected by a cen-
ter box structure. Ailerons, flaps, spoilers,
integral fuel tanks, and the support struc-
ture of the main landing gear are incorporated
into the wing. Wing leading edges are of alu-
minum alloy and incorporate thermal anti-
icing. Wingtips are of organic fiber (Kevlar)
to save weight and to facilitate repairs. The
Challenger CL-600-2B16 employs winglets
(Figure 1-15).
Fuel for the airplane is stored in three tank
areas. The deep section of the airfoil on each
side is used as a main tank, and the center sec-
tion is used as an auxiliary tank. A fuel-tight
bulkhead each side of the center section sepa-
rates the tanks, and all tanks are compartmented
to ensure a continuous supply of fuel to the en-
gines under all normal flight conditions.
The main landing gear assemblies, mounted
under the left and right airfoils inboard of the
trailing-edge flaps, are conventional oleop-
neumatic, shock-absorbing struts, each fit-
ted with two wheels. The assemblies retract
inward into bins in a well on the underside
of the fuselage.
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .
CL 601-3A/R
Figure 1-14. Rear Equipment Bay Door
Figure 1-15. Winglet