Bogen Black Max X300 Brochure & Specs Download Page 1

B l a c k   M a x ™   S e r i e s   A m p l i f i e r s

C o m p a c t   a n d   P o w e r f u l !

Models X600, X450,
and X300 

50 Spring Street
Ramsey, NJ 07446, U.S.A.
Tel: 201-934-8500  Fax: 201-934-9832

Printed in U.S.A.  0201
© 2001 Bogen Communications, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Specifications subject to change without notice.

Amplifier reliability depends on reducing
stress on transistor output devices.
The Black Max uses 

14 large output


per channel for the utmost

in high reliability.

74,600 µf of capacitance 

filters the

110V DC power supply rails creating
enormous energy reserve for low
distortion, full power bass. The capacitor's
105° F temperature rating ensures long
life even under the most harsh


Black Max power transformer

weighs in at 17 lbs. with 2k VA of power
(enough to drive most power tools).
Size matters in this case, because
using a transformer this large keeps
core temperatures low, resulting in
high reliability and long life.

The Black Max's 

two large custom

extruded heat sinks

add 8 lbs. to the

total amplifier weight. The half-inch
thick extrusion base provides excep-
tional heat transfer from the output
devices, lowering the junction temp-
eratures and extending their life


Amplifier reliability is all about cooling.
The Black Max relies on 

two 80mm

high speed fans

to cool its massive

heat sinks. Independent, continuous
variable fan speed controls keep the
noise and dust accumulation as low as

Inside the
Black Max


