HOW-TO DO IT YOURSELF – Hardware Installation for Jolly Ball
If you want your Jolly Ball to have a bottom on the ball, where you see the imprinted area that
says “Jolly Ball”, face it downward and the opposite hole will be at the top and this is where
you will place the template for the hardware placement. (If you do not want your Jolly Ball to
have a bottom in it then just turn the ball and proceed in the same manner.)
As shown in first image, hold the template up to the large hole. With a small point marker,
mark at each point onto ball and mark it about 5/16” away from edge of large hole of ball.
With a drill and a 1/8” drill bit drill each of the 3 spots where you have marked it. Hold it firmly
so you do not slip and scratch the ball. Once you have drilled the small holes, this is where you
will attach each of the pear shape quick links into each hole. After the hardware is attached to
the ball the chain in the quick links should be positioned with narrow end on the chain as
shown in the second image.
See, it is that easy!! If you have any questions or concerns please email Blu’s Bird Toys!
Blu’s Bird Toys