Extinguish fl ame
• Let the fuel burn out completely if possible. This prevents alcohol left in
the reservoir and defl agration when reigniting.
If you wish to extinguish the fl ame before the fuel has completely
burned out, use the slides provided to close the burner opening. Wait
approximately 30 minutes until the burner has reached room temperature.
Only then dispose of the remaining fuel.
Use only the extinguishing tool supplied with this device, never use a
wooden or plastic tool and never your bare hands.
• The valve must always be fully open during operation so that no pressure
can build up inside the burner.
To extinguish the fi re, quickly pull the slide to the front of the burner. If the
fi re is not extinguished, open the slider again and repeat the extinguishing
Risk of fi re! Never try to extinguish the fl ame with water!