v1.7 - Jun 2019
9 |
P a g e
Audio Tone
In addition to the lift and sink thresholds and cadence, the audio tone is adjusted based on the
measured vertical speed by the four settings liftFreqBase, liftFreqIncrement, sinkFreqBase and
sinkFreqIncrement. The graph below shows how the audio tone (frequency) changes based on these
settings, and also shows what the defaults are. The frequency of the sound is constantly being
updated to control the tone as the filtered vario value changes. This occurs with every measurement
(every 20 ms). The result is changes of tone while beeps are playing based on constantly updated
filtered vario values. On occasion the sink tone will sound at the end of a beep if the filtered vario
value changes to below the sinkThreshold while a beep being played.
Note that in the most recent versions of the BlueFlyVario (from v7 onwards), the Audio Frequency
cannot be played below 130Hz. If the combination of the settings and the measured vertical speed
results in a calculated audio frequency below 130Hz the resulting sound will be clamped to 130Hz.