Loading Your Dishwasher
Placing dishes into the machine properly will allow it to operate with the highest efficiency and performance.
There are two separate baskets for you to load your dishes into your machine. The lower basket has been
designed to hold items such as round and deep items like pots with long handles, pot lids, plates, salad
plates and cutlery sets. The upper basket has been designed for tea plates, dessert plates, salad bowls,
cups and glasses.
When placing long-stem glasses and goblets, make sure to lean them against the basket edge, rack or glass
wire support. Do not lean long glasses against one another as they cannot remain steady and may be
damaged. It is best appropriate to place the stem in the middle section of the baskets.
It is recommended to use the cutlery grid for cutlery in order to obtain the best cleaning result. To avoid any
possible injuries, always place cutlery with sharp points facing down or horizontally on the baskets.
: Ensure that you do not obstruct the spinning arms when placing dishes into your machine.
Obstructing the arms will decrease the cleaning performance.
Top Basket
– Height Adjustable Rack
These racks are designed to increase the capacity of the top basket. You can
place your glasses and cups on the racks. The height of these racks can be
adjusted, which allows you to place different sized glasses under them.
Top Basket
– Height Adjustment While Full
The basket height adjustment mechanism on the top basket of your machine
is designed to let you adjust the height of your top basket, without removing it
from your machine when it is full, and create large spaces at the top or
bottom area of your machine as needed. The top basket of your machine is
set to the upper position by default.
In order to raise your basket, hold it from both sides and pull it upwards. In order to lower it, hold it from both
sides and let it down carefully. Make sure that both sides are in the same position.