CHAPTER 3: Installation
Next, connect each computer or (in cascaded
systems) subsidiary ServSwitch Wizard to your
single/master Switch. If you ordered a ServSwitch
Wizard Kit, your Switch will have come with two or four
10-ft. (3-m) CPU-Extension Cables—which also have the
three-in-one design shown in Figure 3-1—that you can
run from the CPU’s or subsidiary Switch’s video,
keyboard, and mouse ports to the matching ports on the
single/master Switch.
If you ordered just the Switch rather than the Kit, the
CPU-Extension Cables are available separately, as
product code EHN408, in 5-foot (1.5-m), 10-foot (3-m),
30-foot (10-m), and 50-ft. (15-m) lengths. (Alternatively,
you can run separate male-to-male keyboard-, mouse-,
and video-extension cables: EVNPS05 for video,
EVNPS03 for keyboard and mouse.)
Any unused CPU-port or control-port connectors on
the Switches can be left vacant.