Black & Decker CST800 Instruction Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for CST800

Page 1: ...and anyotherconditionthat mayaffed itsoperation Befarefurtheruseof theappliance a guard or otherpart thatis damagedshouldberepairedor replacedby an authorizedservicecenterunless _ herwise indicated elsewhereinthismanual FORHOUSEHOLD useonly KEEPGUARDS IN PLACEAND IN WORKING ORDER KEEPHANDS AND FEETAWAY FROM CUffING AREA DO NOT CHARGEAPPUANCE IN RAIN OR IN WET LOCATIONS SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS O Tr...

Page 2: ... maybe cleanedby usinga mild soapand a damprag 4 DO NOT immerse toolin wateror squirtitwitha hose DO NOT allowany liquid to get insideit 5 Donotstarethetoo on or adjacentto fertilizers gasoline orotherchemicals 6 DO NOT dean witha pressure washer 7 Theline cufferon theedgeof theguard candull overtime Itis recommended youperiodically touch upthe sharpness of the bladewitha file ACCESSORIES Reloadny...

Page 3: ...ES AU PLOMB ACIDE DUCOUPE BORDURE ESTPARTIELLEMENT CHARGEE ENUSINE IL FAUT LECHARGER PENDANT AU MAINS 24 HEURES AVANTD UTIUBER L APP _ SL Lorsque Jebattier deJensemble de pilescraqueen raison dune chute ou detoutautre chocetqu iJ y a une i i i i i foite d _ectralyte l essuyeravecunchiffon enneutra iserI acide6 1aidedune substance alcalinecomme unesolution6 1ammoniaqueou debicarbonatedesoude Encasd...

Page 4: atrapodosenlaspiezasm6vi es Serecomiende elusode guantes degomay calzado desegutidecl consue a degomapora elffabajo a a intempetie No utilice el aporatoconlospiesdescalzos ocuandecake sancla ias abiertas Vistapontalones argos para pmtegersus piernas CObrase el cabeffosiIo tiene argo LJNEA DENYLON Conserve siempre cara manos y piesalejaclos de a fineagiratatia LALJNEA GIRATORIA DESEMPEI_A UNA FU...

Page 5: ... fineaenel carretede manerauniforrne y confirmezaen b direcci6nque sefiala a ffechabasra queIleguealas muescas de hordede carrete No Fonga fineaenexceso ElcarretetienecaFocidodFora 6 m 20 ft delinea INFORMACIONDESERVIClO Bbck Deckerofrece unaredcompleta de centmsde serviciopropiedad de la comFofiiay _ anquiciados a trav_sdetodaNorteam6rica Todos loscentrosdeservicia Black Decker cuenten conPersona...
