BK Technologies
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Talk Group ID Picklist [TGID]
Conventional Digital Channels
Selecting a Talk Group ID from the Pick List will assign the TGID to the
currently select channel. All other channels are unaffected.
Open the menu of available TGIDs.
Select the desired Talk Group ID or, to return the TGID to the pre-
programmed value, select “Default”.
Press “ENTER” to set the selection.
If allowed, picklist values can be changed through keypad
Encryption Key Picklist [KEY]
Digital or Mixed Mode Channels
Encryption equipped radios only.
Selecting an Encryption Key from the Pick List will assign the key to all
encrypted channels that do not have ‘Key Lock’ programmed. Locked
key channels will continue to use the pre-programmed key.
(See Encryption Operation)
Keyset Picklist [KSET]
Digital or Mixed Mode Channels
OTAR equipped radios only.
Selecting a Keyset from the Pick List will cause the radio to use
encryption keys from the selected Keyset.
(See Encryption Operation)