Page 1: ...v SMHz OSCILLOSCOPE f t K...
Page 2: ...movingpower 2 Dontt exposehigh voltage needlessly Remove housingsand eovers only when neees sary Turn off equipment while making test eonneetions in high voltage eireuits Disehargehigh voltage eapaeit...
Page 3: ...qwlifi ed electronfcs technfcians only To avoid electric shoclg do not perform senlicing urless you are qnlified to do so High voltage of approximately1 400volts de is present when this instru ment is...
Page 4: ...t o o 1 T R O U B L E S H O O I j N G o r r r o r r 2 0 PARTS IJST r r r o I r o o o t 24 V O L T A G EC H A R T r o r r o r r o r o o 2 9 C I R C U I T B O A R DM A P o r o o r o o o o o r 3 0 S C H...
Page 5: ...ain eontrol offers fully adjustable waveform amplitude Terminals are also pro vided to allow external signals to be applied direetly to the vertieal defleetion plates of the CRT The horizontal ehannel...
Page 6: ...SYNCswitehset to INT Attenuator nXt GAIN Continuouslyvariable to zero Rated MaximumInput Voltage 100V p p SWEEPCHARACITRISTICS SweepFrequeney 10 Hz to 100 kHz eontinuouslyvariable in 4 ranges SweepLi...
Page 7: ...r external horizontal signal Conneet signal eommon to the adjaeentgroundterminal 4 Jaek Earth and ehassisground VERT INPUT Jaelc Input for vertieal signal Conneet signal eommon to the adjaeent groundj...
Page 8: ...sitions representthe rangeof sweepfrequeneies that are possible with the fine sweep frequeney eontrol SWEEP VARI EXT GAIN eontrol within eaeh range EXT position seleets external horizontal defleetion...
Page 9: ...leetion input terminaL An external signal ean be routed direetly to CRT vertieal deflee tion platesby eonneetionto this terminal eonneetsignal eommon to the adjaeent GND terminal and setting DIR NOR s...
Page 10: ...approxi mately 35 dB The horizontal amplifier may also be used to amplify an external signal appliedat the HOR INPUT jaek In this mode the EXT GAIN eontrol allows the gain to be varied by about 10 dB...
Page 11: ...ngateFET Q103 rt In the seeondstageof the vertieal preamp lifier Q104and Q105are emitter followersto Q102 and Q103 These transistors aet as impedanee eonverters eonverting from the very high impedanee...
Page 12: help illustrate operationof the eireuit First let us eonsider the free running manner of operation where no syne signal is applied During the negative going ramp portion of the sweep waveform at Ql...
Page 13: ...ingmore or less than three eyeles and for sine waves or other types of wave forms The SIVEEPRANGE seleetion and l N o R l 5 5 SWEEP VARI adjustmentmustfirst be set to a point near synehronization then...
Page 14: ...input impedaneeof 1 megohm Q114 presentsnegligibleshuntingimpedanee simi lar to Q102 in the vertieal ehannel The output of Ql14 is amplifiedby the horizontal final amplifier Ql15 and Ql16 just as in...
Page 15: ...rms the power transformer A voltage doubler eomposedof high voltage diodes D107 and D108 and eapaeitors C124 C125 and C126 eonvertsthe 500 volt ae into 1400 volts de Filtering for the high voltage sup...
Page 16: ...grounded I total aeeel erating potential of 1400 volts is used The voltage divider network also ineludes FOCUS eontrol VR103 It seleets a somewhat lower voltage to be applied to the foeus grid of the...
Page 17: ...traee vertieally on CRT 3 With no signal applied a traee shquldbe presenton the CRT Rotate the V GAIN eontrol baek and forth from one extreme to the other and observeif the traee shifts up anddown If...
Page 18: ...ter the traee vertieally 2 A traee shouldbe displayedon the CRT 3 Adjust POS eontrol so the beginningof the traee is visible and aligned with one of the gratieule markers near the left edgeof the CRT...
Page 19: ...aee Rotation Adjustment 4 danee i e for a square wave generator with an output impedanee of 50 ff termi nate into 50 n Adjust the output level of the square wave generator for a waveform ampli tude of...
Page 20: ...isions 3 dB Next set the V ATT switehto L 10 and inerease the output of square wave OYERCOI P ENSATION Overshootl ol bla x 100 T I D RCOilPEil SATIOil Fig 9 FrequeneyCompensationAdjustments generator...
Page 21: ...10 Remove two serews from eaehsideof the easeas shown Loosenthe remainingserew loeated at the eenter front seetion of eaeh side severalturns Graspthe earrying handleand slide to rear then lift easeoff...
Page 22: ehassis ineludingthe mounting plate and CRT shield Fig 12 5 Loosen the two elamping serews from the CRT band Fig 12 andslide the CRT from the shield 6 To replaee the CRT reverse the proeed ure Adju...
Page 23: ...v 100 0 6A 0 il7 t00 0ov o o c 2 r e Power cord Power cord il7 r00 0 il7 t00 0 Power SW To terminal il7 r00 0 il7 r00 0 l l T v Y Fig 11 Line Voltage Conversion Clampingscrewsfor C R T Fig 12 CRT Remo...
Page 24: ...seeondary windings one at a time and eheek for shorted power supply Espeeially eheek power supply filter eapaeitors C114 c115 C116 C117 C118 C119 C120 No dot usually indieates a high voltage power sup...
Page 25: Synehron ized display shouldstill be obtainable TROUBTESHOOIING Non eentered or laek of adjustment range indieateshorizontal ehannelproblem Meas ure voltages at Q114 Q115 Q116 No traee indieates fa...
Page 26: ...with 2 V de offset to VERT INPUT jaek Waveform display should be vertieally eentered about 2 divisions extend from 0 to 4 divisions Set AC DC switeh to AC Waveformshouldbe eenteredabout 0 Apply 3 V p...
Page 27: ...Return NOR DIR switeh to NOR Apply CheekR164 elzl 60 Hz signal of at least 25 V p p to both Z AXIS INPUT terminal and VERT INPUT jaek Adjust for synehronized display of a f ew eyeles Displayed wavefo...
Page 28: ...erenees U A PARTS ORDERINGINFORIUAIION There is a minimumehargefor eaehinvoiee Orderswill be shippedC O D unlesspreviousopen aecountarrangements have been madeor remittanee aeeompanies order Advaneer...
Page 29: ...arbon r r o o o 990kOt196 Llz W Carbon r 900kOtl rl zWrCarbon 1 M Ot l r L z W r C a r b o n o 1 MQtLyorL 2WrCarbon 10 1kOtl l 2 W Carbon r 111k0 tlyorl 2 WrCarbon o o 1 k0 t596rL 4WrCarbon o r i 5 6k...
Page 30: V pOS Control 10kQPotentiometer H POSControl 1 MOPotentiometer SWEEP VAR EXT GAIN Control r o r r o o 4 kflTrimmer Pot nC BAL Adt 1 kn Trimmer Pot HoR GAIN Adj o r 1 Mn Trimmer Pot FOCUSand I N T E...
Page 31: ...i u m o V O S J I S i l i e o n S1QB60 BridgeReetifier o W Z L 5 0 Z e n e r r 1 5V r r r o HVT 222 3 High Voltage o o o W Z 0 6 1 Z e n e r r 6 1V o r r 151555 Silieon ruodet 1405 only o TRANSISITOR...
Page 32: ...ob Small V GAIN SWEEPVARI EXT GAIN ete o Knob Large V ett swEEP RANGE C h a s s i s 1 4 0 5 o o C h a s s i s 1 4 0 3 A r r o o r Rubber Foot 4 usgd o o o r o r o o r r o Aeeess Plate Bottom Mooet 140...
Page 33: ...14 63 14 63 14 63 14 63 10 25 10 17 14 63 14 63 L22 9 131 3 L 22 3 31 14 63 L04 2 104 8 TRANSIf TOB FET VOLTAGES CRT YOLTAGES PIN 11 4 3 2 139 7 1167 1393 1438 NOTES 1 Measurement Conditions All front...
Page 34: ...CTRCTIITBOARD ITAP t t r tt t r tt r t Mrtt D trll t t I...
Page 35: ...g e 3 tEt lol I l t t l t G l tol t4 do g rorf d89 ZOr3 L o o I o I r o x lcl l l PI tzl lo1 tzl ts2t fFl t f l t a l tzl EI txl l l EIJ E ts I ogt zf 90rO E fr Eil nr 6 Tnur ntz ogtu rgru YI tglu au...
Page 36: ...sehematiediagram and parts list in this manualrefleets the Model 1405at the start of produetion In addition to the produetionehanges listed below wateh for any addendathat may be issuedor insertedloos...
Page 37: ...o 002 102 6 objeetionable a retraee blanking eireuit may be added A sehematiediagramof the eireuit R172 680kn t10 L 2 W is shownbelow The standardeireuit boardis Resistor o o 002 102 f designed to ae...
Page 38: ...o use a fixed X10 or X10 Direet oseilloseope probe Standard oseilloseope probesuse a BNC eonneetor A PomonaNo 1269BNC to DualBananaAdapt er is all that is neededto eonvert this seope for useof a stand...
Page 39: ...ation Transformer or Model 1653 or 1655 AC Power Supply is suitable for most applieations To be on the safe side treat all two wire ae powered equipment as I hot ehassist unlessyou are sure it has an...
Page 40: ...Br MAE INTERNATIONAL CORP 6470 W Contland St Chicago lL 60635 l1985 MAXTECINTERNATIONAL CORPORATION PRINTEDIN U S A 494 184 9 001...