Operating instructions iS10 / iS20
38019417000 en
Display presentation
Process description
% ± tolerance of target value.
Possible values: 1% / 2.5% / 5% / 7.5% / 10%
Manual input
Confirm selection of desired function with
Working with tendency control
In order to work with tolerance control the following requirements are necessary:
1. Input of desired operating mode for tendency control
Tolerance weighed (step 50/1)
%± tolerance (step 50/2)
Tolerance manual input (step 50/3)
2. Input of values for target weight and upper and lower tolerance limit.
Upper and lower tolerance limit must not be symmetrically to the target value.
3. Assignment of <F1> key with function tolerance check, see page 25.
Afterwards, the tendency control can be started via key <F1>.
The following operating data for the tenden-
cy control was manually entered:
Target value: 1.000 kg
Lower limit value: 0.980 kg
Upper limit value: 1.020 kg
Fig. 13: Weighing against zero
This display means that the current weight value is 10 g above the target value.
Since the measured value is located in the middle between target value and upper toler-
ance limit, the bar scale reaches approx. until the middle between indicator of the target
value (middle triangle under bar graph) and indicator of upper limit value (right triangle).
If the measured value is above the upper tolerance limit, by about 1022 g, the display of
the bar graph passes the associated indicator (right triangle). Same applies when target
value and lower limit value are not reached.